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실버점보크립 1321  공감:2  비공감:-1 2014.01.16 00:16
Dear Mr. BC

You have ordered a Flieger watch with an ETA Top movement.

Delivery time is mid of January 2014.

We want to inform you today that production of your watch will be delayed about 2-3 weeks.

ETA in Switzerland had a complete burn down of  its electroplating department.

As a result there is a delay for all movements, even if they were already in production.

ETA informed us, unfortunately not as precisely as we or all of their other customers would have needed for a perfect scheduling.

But as we already have movements  in final check, we know that there will be no problem at all for us, it is only a question of time delay.

You can willingly pay for your watch now.

We kindly ask you for transmitting the amount of  EUR      to our account. Kindly add your order number. 
The banking details are as follows:

A/C name: Stowa GmbH & Co.KG


Volksbank Pforzheim eG
Westliche-Karl-Friedrich-Str. 53
75172 Pforzheim

IBAN DE59 666
Swift Code: V

or if you want to pay via PayPal:   

We thank you in advance and wish you a nice day!

If we won't receive your payment during the next days, we will send you our payment request again in the course of next week.

With best regards


짧은 영어실력으로 해석해보니

ETA에 불이나서 무브먼트 제작 스케줄이 미뤄졌다

그래도 니가 입금을 해주면 좋겟다

다음주까지 입금을 해주지면 다시지불요청을 하겠다는 말인거같은데

But as we already have movements  in final check, 

we know that there will be no problem at all for us, it is only a question of time delay.

이건 무슨 말일까요?

ETA에 딜레이됐는데 스토바는 무브에대해서 파이널체크를 했다?

그리고 이넘들 왜 몇유로인지 안적어놨을까요?..

금액을 적어놔야지 입금처리할텐데요~~

아놔 능력자님 알려주세요~

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